Control Unit

Descrizione del Prodotto
The Control Unit is the ultimate system for managing complex rack and pedal systems, and delivers a flexibility that is just short of mind boggling. It allows the tailoring of complex signal chains using your existing rack and pedal effects and then be able to, with a simple switch, to change to a completely different effect chain instantly.
Features e Specifiche Tecniche
- A complete true bypass system using only gold relay contacts
- Clickless switch system
- Completely MIDI programmable for instant recall of custom signal chains
- Simple and intuitive user interface
- ABswitch for the input of two guitars
- loops 1 and 2 are serial
- loops 3,4,5,6 and 7 are in a matrix together: it is possible to configure and recall any sequence combination of effects and you can connect two or more parallel effects
- loops 8 and 9 are stereo serial for managing complex multieffect units
- Stereo out ABswitch to select between two amps
- Three isolated auxiliary outs for the further selection or programable auxiliary devices, such as amp channels
The Control Unit PDF manual is still being prepared